I have too many opinions. So often I go I do not like this and I do not like that or I don’t support this and I don’t believe in that. It’s endless. Yes, an extension of being awfully judgmental and I can’t help dishing them out every so often more often than not to find out if you agree. I don’t care whether you do or not but somehow I must know. So I can argue with you and convince you otherwise or convince myself because what the hell I have to argue and I have to discuss. It’s an affliction. Anywho considering I have been doing this a little too much lately I decided I am going to dump all of my ridiculous, probably biased opinions.
- I hate corduroy pants. Really really hate them!
- I hate velvet dresses or tops or any kind of clothes.
- Nothing excuses wearing socks with slippers.
- I don’t believe that you ever do anything without expecting something in return. It doesn’t make sense and it is not possible for a human! We are a selfish people and we always do something to get something in return. It is the law of life so yes all that crap about altruism, and doing something for someone is well what I said it is, crap. And there is nothing wrong with that. That is probably the reason why the world functions, why we function. Ofcourse it gets complicated when you try to find a balance between what you deserve and what you actually expect.
- Love is not blind. You act blind to some things because you make exceptions. Willingly. In the end it is all about making exceptions.
- I don’t like cats. In fact I don’t like any animals unless they are far away or in a picture or video.
- Chocolates and ice creams make life better. And so do sisters. <3
- I don’t like doctors.
- I don’t believe in the death penalty or even religion.
- I am a confused person and I think I lost the point of this ranting a while back but I will continue nonetheless.
- I believe who you are remains the same after a certain point in your life even though everything about you changes beyond recognition. Occasionally something really dramatic could bend that inner you.
- There is no god and we only turn to him because we need faith and if it has a face it makes life more bearable.
- I used to be patriotic but I think it has lost meaning now. For a long time I found a reason to love India. It is not enough to be born in that country though a part of me is attached by virtue of it being my home. And it pisses me off to hear about our golden history trying to instill pride while the present continues to embarrass us. I get it national pride is important for us to survive as a nation but I am sorry it is not working on me.
- I don’t like liars and hypocrites.
- I am in awe of Alan Shore. I admire how he stands up for what he believes in. A man of values.
- I don’t like the notion of the government parenting the people. Awful as it sounds I actually believe that if you are stupid enough not to know what is good for you, you probably deserve it and it is not the Government’s job to protect you from yourself but protect the society as a whole.
- I am highly fascinated by bullet points. I am fascinated by lots of random things.
- I love drinking but I strongly disapprove of smoking.
- I love a bum.
- Peanut butter and chocolate spread are awesome!