
Because you deserve to know

I loved that story. It had bears and friends and getting into trouble with a house full of popcorn!! (Really how could you not be amused by a house full of popcorn?) But I couldn't read it yet. So she read it to me, over and over again, day after day till I learnt to read. I don't know if she ever got bored of it but I certainly didn't and she just never showed it. 

I didn't really have too many kids my age around me to play with, at least none I wasn't bullied by. So she played every inane game with me and read every story to me and talked to me and taught me how to see the world and learnt along with me. We were a team when He was too busy. 

When the nights seemed too dark and there were demons imagined and unimagined, I knew she was there to fight them. When the things got rough I was right by her side, scared, little, whispering, assuring and seeking assurance. I didn't understand much but as I whispered "mumma?? mummaa?" I wanted her to know I was there and know if everything in my world was ok.

(Then the Little One came and we all love her to bits too. Little One, if you ever read this, you should know you became our baby just as I was their's. :) )

Through school and life, from a thousand miles away, through the good and the bad, she has always been my best friend and nothing will change that. When the things get rough we will always be next to each other. Just as we were 20 years back.

Mumma, I love you.