My musings. The world as I see it. Quite random. But basically a vent for all the 1229464 things that crowd my little head.
Dictionary's definition: The quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest).
And yet I wonder how we managed to create definitions of beauty too. We have managed to create stereotypes of what should and should not be considered beautiful. I'm not sure how we did that but its something like moral values. As the society grows and matures as one we develop common values that we consider right or wrong. And yes we make mistakes along the way as all masses are likely to. But its the only way we can function.
(I really don't see any other way. Yes sometimes we pay the price of individuals and I hate that too but I don't see a way around it!! :( )
(I got distracted there I think.)
(I'm not sure if the society is always becoming more mature but what I meant is sophisticated which I think we are.)
And that is what happens with beauty. As you grow the concept of beauty is ingrained in you without you being aware of it. Before you know you are calling sunsets, Katrina Kaif, yachts on the sea, waterfalls, flowers against the backdrop of a garden, butterflies twittering(I just wanted to use the word. :D And ya I do think butterflies twitter!!) dolphins smiling and somersaulting and so many other things beautiful. Yes probably they evoke the same feeling in you that beauty is supposed to without being brainwashed (I certainly hope so) but are we sure? Then societies wouldn't have the same opinion about what beauty is. Or would they??
Maybe that is the beauty of beauty. That it excites that same feeling in you across boundaries and cultures, across ages and genders.
This is one of the most beautiful and thought-provoking poems I have come across. :D
When you start on your journey to Ithaca,
then pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
Do not fear the Lestrygonians
and the Cyclopes and the angry Poseidon.
You will never meet such as these on your path,
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine
emotion touches your body and your spirit.
You will never meet the Lestrygonians,
the Cyclopes and the fierce Poseidon,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your soul does not raise them up before you.
Then pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many,
that you will enter ports seen for the first time
with such pleasure, with such joy!
Stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and corals, amber and ebony,
and pleasurable perfumes of all kinds,
buy as many pleasurable perfumes as you can;
visit hosts of Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from those who have knowledge.
Always keep Ithaca fixed in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for long years;
and even to anchor at the isle when you are old,
rich with all that you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have taken the road.
But she has nothing more to give you.
And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not defrauded you.
With the great wisdom you have gained, with so much experience,
you must surely have understood by then what Ithacas mean.
-K. P. Kavafis (C. P. Cavafy), translation by Rae Dalven
That perches in the soul--
And sings the song without the words--
And never stops--at all--
And sweetest--in the Gale--is heard--
And sore must be the storm--
That could abash the little Bird--
That kept so many warm--
I've heard it in the chillest land--
And on the strangest sea--
Yet, never, in Extremity,
It asked a crumb--of Me.
-Emily Dickinson
Serial killers
But then again how do you define guilt? Is a child guilty of kicking if he does it while sleeping? Its natural to him though it may hurt the person next to him. Just the same way in the contorted world of the killer he might just be sleeping unaware of his own actions. Is it fair or even just to punish someone for something that he might have no control over? He doesnt have to be punished but helped and treated to understand the world as we do. To know and recognise the morals that we have. He is definitely harmful to the society but punishment is not the solution though isolation is justified.
Now that was presuming that the killer is mentally deranged and goes about killing people. But what is he understands the extent of his deeds and the consequences? What if he is a cold-blooded killer who kills for the fun of it? Would'nt it be insane if i call him sane? Is'nt he more so becasuse despite the fact that he knows and understands he does something? Its not a choice but an obsession. An obsession over which he has no control because he is gripped. If anything he needs more help. And what's more possibly there is no help for him. There is no getting him out of this contorted reality. The obsession is an ailment over which he has no control so how can we punish him for that? He just happened to be different. And we might have to pay a price for that which is unfair. Everyone has choices that we make in life. But is it fair to punish someone who does not have the mental faculties to make the right choice? Is putting him in a prison going to help? Technically it will remove this person from our lives making the world safer. But at the price of justice?
Now I can't come with anything more. My rambling skills are exhausted!!!! :D
This leads to a conclusion that probably all serial killers should not be punished but I have no comments about that!!
The way I look at it
I'm sure someone has said all this before. Everything about the colurs of autumn and spring but somehow I feel like writing about it. Its like a movie. Even if u know all about it you have watch it yourself to be able ot appreciate it! In the cosmic sense maybe today isn't different but at a micro level it is bloody different. And I am different and I feel different. Damn!!!!!! the damn is not for different but coz i dunno what to write.
Right now I am sitting at mah desk blogging and looking at the world outside. In some weird way I am related to every person that passes on this road by the road. Something like intersecting lines. Our lives intersect at this road. Everyone has a different life and different worries and concerns. Some maybe happy and some sad. But despite the fact we are just some metres away our lives are so entirely different that it doesnt affect either. Because the distance is not that of a few metres but a life. The distance between known and unknown. And this distance is an unbridgable(i jus coined the word) gulf. And this gulf also exists between people you might know also. hmmm..... A lot might be said still but I am not upto writing anymore. So ill leave it abruptly at this!!!!