
The way I look at it

The sun rises in the same direction everyday, the birds wake up like today is no different from yesterday and the world goes on like it always has been. Nothing ever stops and yet today and tomorrow are soooooo different. People, events and you, everything is different. While yesterday could have been dark today is just a new day. Its so surprising that what matters so much today does not the very next day. Maybe its the perspective that changes or people. An optimist would say that the we grow and learn to face the music and a pessimist would say it never mattered much in the first place. Well I am not sure if i was clear but I don't really care about being clear. Life is beautiful. The dark colurs and the bright ones make this canvas what it is. But not surprisingly, you need to be on the brighter side to be able to appreciate that.

I'm sure someone has said all this before. Everything about the colurs of autumn and spring but somehow I feel like writing about it. Its like a movie. Even if u know all about it you have watch it yourself to be able ot appreciate it! In the cosmic sense maybe today isn't different but at a micro level it is bloody different. And I am different and I feel different. Damn!!!!!! the damn is not for different but coz i dunno what to write.

Right now I am sitting at mah desk blogging and looking at the world outside. In some weird way I am related to every person that passes on this road by the road. Something like intersecting lines. Our lives intersect at this road. Everyone has a different life and different worries and concerns. Some maybe happy and some sad. But despite the fact we are just some metres away our lives are so entirely different that it doesnt affect either. Because the distance is not that of a few metres but a life. The distance between known and unknown. And this distance is an unbridgable(i jus coined the word) gulf. And this gulf also exists between people you might know also. hmmm..... A lot might be said still but I am not upto writing anymore. So ill leave it abruptly at this!!!!

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