Is it even possible to enjoy every moment? You see life is not made of all the moments that you breathe through but rather every moment that makes you go "Life is beautiful" or "I'm glad to be alive". The moments when you can close your eyes and truly know that everything's right in the world, atleast your world. And these moments are rare and precious. These moments are the sum of all the moments before them. And hence the purpose is not to make every moment precious but rather to make sure that every moment counts in adding up to the precious ones. If you manage to do that you have truly lived your life. Moments lost will blemish the truly blissful ones to come.

I remember a few years ago I asked myself the question that almost everyone asks himself at some point. I asked myself who I was and what the hell I was doing on this planet. I asked myself what is the purpose of everything when one day when I stop breathing it will all end. And then I answered that I should do something to leave my footprints behind so that my presence on this planet is marked even after I make the grand departure (I swear I must have heard all these things somewhere and well they do sound cool). A hopeless way of trying to find pseudo-immortality.
(WE humans seriously never give up!!!)
But what is the point of spending my life just so that tomorrow after I'm gone some random people can talk about how awesome I was and how I did whatever I did. Yes, I know my loved ones will talk with a touch of pride when they think about me. And I'd like to give them that. But won't they talk about me with the same touch of pride for being who I was, for loving them and living even if I don't leave my mark on the world?? And well being remembered by random people won't even be useful in nursing my bloated ego after I die. (Ofcourse the ego dies with me. Hell, I won't even know just how much of a print I left!) Then frankly why bother?? Why don't we all just live our lives, be happy and accept that it ends someday?
In the end, live for the today that is your and forget the tomorrow when there will be none.
(I really don't know where all that came from. I really must stop thinking so much!!!! But dammit its not possible to shut off your brain. I doubt I can live with a switched off brain!! See, how much I thought about not thinking!!?!?!? LE sigh.... )
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