And that is what we did. Went to Vivocity and utilised the voucher while checking out the mall and dozens of random stores till we were tired of walking.
Highlights/achievements/discoveries of the evening:
1. Hats are cool and I'm fascinated by them. The only reason I din't buy it was I couldn't convince myself that it was worth 18 bucks just for the sake of taking pictures. If you have better reasons please help me since I would love to buy it.

2. Gloria Jean's rocks since they let you add as much chocolate sauce as you want!! On. Your. Own. Cool or what!! And hence we had the most chocolatey drinks ever (without the sauce they were pretty bland btw) since me and Vids took turns at adding ample amounts. Ample by "our standards". (We are classy like that.) Pretty surprised that noone said anything though.

You see right?!?!
3. I got Vids to stick out her tongue and get a pic!! (Achievement if you please!!!)

4. Wine stores are cool places to take pics. But so as not to be kicked out you must listen to the owner blabbering about wines for 2:38 mins before excusing yourself.

5. Reinstated the belief that its ok to look a little foolish if you know you are not coming to that place soon. (Doesn't mean you can make a complete ass of yourself! Its a life ban for that. Kidding. Maybe.)

6. Nat Geo rocks. ABSOLUTELY. It is the most amazing store/company ever. And it has been added to the list of companies I'd like to work with. Sadly we were out of battery and don't have pics for that one. Which means we're definitely going again.
7. If the cafe has good coffee and you have finally managed to get a couch its ok not to blame them for not being a part of the Earth Hour though some people have different opinions :P. We did contemplate telling them to switch of some lights but for some reason din't. Yes I can be flexible. :D

8. Vids attempts to look sober. Let it be known this was the 6th take!!

9. Twas a fun evening. :D
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