
Rant. Gnomes and wiggles.

And yes, finally I’m back in Singapore. And coming back has been one eventful journey. I didn’t even know that so many things could actually go wrong at the start time. It probably all started that fateful night we couldn’t find my passport. Goshhhhh, the frenzy!! I was already looking at procedures to get a new one. Anywho we found it at like 3 in the night and I left in the morning. Then my sis manages to lose my phone charger. Laptop charger spoilt, net in room not working. Mom and all lose their head over me not calling. Then yesterday I break my sandal! Can’t find my transponder which was then recovered wedged between mattress and bed.

Ok all this was true as of a few days back..... Then I forgot to continue and well now things are hopefully getting back on track, which means I haven’t lost anything since Saturday. And that is a record right there especially after the nightmare that the past 2 weeks had been. I was on a roll baby!! Did I mention I also managed to find my passport that I didn’t know I had lost!! But yes hopefully I’m past it all. *crosses fingers and shuts eyes tightly and mutters loudly*

Yes, I know I’m kinda hopeless and all. I continue to surprise myself. And not pleasantly let me mention!

I want to become a train but I don’t want passengers. They just dirty the trains and I want to be a train in India. It’ll be sooooo amazing I don’t think I’d ever want to stop. Oh but I really must be a train that is electronic and environment friendly and can whistle!!!! :D

I’m on the path to awesomeness. The last few weeks haven’t been bad but they could have been better! Ohh yes they will be. I mean not they but the coming ones.

Can I live without doing my laundry like ever?? Someday I want to be so rich that I instead of washing clothes I can just buy new ones and throw the ones I’ve worn away. J ok if I’m that rich I can have a laundry service that washes my clothes after collecting them from all over the place without my ever coming to know! You know like a secret genie. Only that it will be a genie in white coz I really don’t like blue genies.

Umm well a baby blue can. Only the dark one is an absolute no!

Ahhh well frankly I’m ok with a light pink genie also.

Pretty cool huh????

Ohhh yes there are pink genies. And well since I don't really like pink so much imagine she is in white. A white ephemereal image!

I think my stomach would seriously try and kick my ass except that it is out of reach!! We have a miscommunication problem that’s it. Ok a little bit more. Maybe I abuse it by over-feeding or under-feeding as per my whim.

Jus maybeeeeee you know.

I’m sleepy already. I sometimes think I have gnomes in my brain. They can be freaking rebellious and yet work as well. They’re a bit wonky and hobbly-gobbly but ah well they have no escape and neither do I!

Gosshhhhh and it must really be scary to be trapped in someone’s brain like that right?? Ok the thought is only giving me chills. Imagine what you would have to do when you need to pee!! Actually the brain has so many crevices and shit shouldn’t be a bother probably.

Ok I’m saying anything now so I should really go and watch Gossip Girl before I discuss gnomes and brains in excruciating detail.

Ohh and before I go off I must tell you that I am really scared of Indian railway stations and men in formals who look normal. (oooohhh rhyme!) I am never ever going to a railway station alone. *shivers and shudders*

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