
Lists and more lists

I am turning 25 in almost 4 months. And I am scared.

There's a deluge of lists that seems to be popping out of nowhere. 19 things to do before turning 25, 22 things that makes your college life amazing, 30 things to not to in your 20's. It goes on and on! Lists that possibly smart but unknown people have compiled about education and career, friendships and people, love and relationships, drinking habits and pooping oddities. And with every list I'm overwhelmed by the prospect of everything that I should have done or should be doing. Re-evaluating choices made and the paths yet to be traversed. Maybe I didn't drink enough or meet enough people. Was I crazy enough or adventurous enough? I should travel more and read more!

Yes, I am scared. I want the bed to swallow me and hide me in it's warm layers sheltered by darkness. I hope the knot in my stomach disappears as I try counting again wondering if I ever got past 10. There are 25 tabs open in my browser and my head reels at the amount of information but I can't close any. I am venturing into uncharted waters and now I can steer myself in any direction I want.

Having spent 24 years of my life jumping through academic hoops set by other people I often find myself questioning my passions. What do I really believe in and where do I want to go? Is it really something I want or something fed to me that I forgot to digest? This might just be the crisis that they talked about! So I decided to come up with my own list.

1. Make your own list.

Today, make your own lists. Make a list of things and people that inspire you, things that make you happy and everything you're grateful for. Make a list of ways in which you can help people and values that resonate with you. A bucket list of feats that you aspire to achieve unbound by any limitations, letting your imagination soar. Make a list of what drives you to tumble out of bed and look forward to a bright day. What are things you admire about yourself and what would you change? There will always be people who want to share their advice and they mean well. Keep yourself open to them as you go on to list what matters to you!

Today, I created my own lists. I made lists for myself and these will be my compass in this unknown territory. There are wise people in the world who know a lot more than me but they cannot create my lists. They can only inspire me to go just one more step further and discover the world.

I would love to hear about your lists so go ahead and drop a note. 

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