
Ya, that's me.

And so finally I’m doing this. I must write something where I don’t have to use my brains. (Not that they are exactly functional.)

Anyhoots as I start this I have no clue just how many random things I’m gonna write. You see I’ve done this before and let’s just say that the list turned out to be loooooong. Ya it is as yet unpublished.

Disclaimer: Oh and also I’m not listing things here coz I am proud of ‘em or its confession time or I’m trying to prove that I’m weird. Coz I'm not. You could probably say I’m self-obsessed and bored.

Here goes:

1.       I love melted dark chocolate.

2.       While bored and waiting for food I could lick salt from the plate. (using a finger or spoon ofcourse)

3.       I can carry on a conversation by talking at the same time as the other person. Normally the other person cannot.

4.       On the same note as #3 I can go on talking incessantly for atleast 5 mins without making any sense. Complete babble. (I also like the word psychobabble.)

5.       When I was around 6-7 I couldn’t sleep at night coz I thought I was going to die as I had swallowed a chewing gum. I had to wake up my mom to reaffirm otherwise.

6.       I do read the dictionary when extremely bored. Or on rare occasions when not bored.

7.       I like collecting used pens and refills.

7.    And I hate throwing plastic bags and bottles of any kind! Hence I prefer collecting them.

8.       There was this time when I tried counting the no. of hair on my head. I had to give up after 53492.

9.       I am still amused by balloons and bubbles.

10.   I like singing aloud when studying maths.

11.   I’m not sure how I manage it but somehow I manage to get addicted to random things a week before the exams. Who knew that these things even existed before this!???

12.   The best ideas I get are in the washroom. (Ya its my blog and I can say whatever I want.) Like you know HW that I have forgotten or new blog posts and how much work I still have left.

13.   One of the things on my bucket list is being in a car chase. I don’t care if I’m chasing or being chased but I’d die for either.

Ok maybe not really die you know.

14.   I’m not sure how but somehow I’ve managed to collect many white tops. I don’t even like white so much for that matter.

15.   I always pick the blue straw when getting a drink at the Igloos bubble tea stall and purple Gems.

16.   I don’t swim often since I am scared that the water will seep through my skin and then the muscles and all will just become soggy.

17.   Now if u asked why that wouldn’t happen when I bathe.... Chlorine!??!? DUH!!

*rolls eyes with hands on hips*

18.   I still don’t understand how people can bite their nails. I have tried and I just can’t do it!!!

And yes I think it’s a wee bit disgusting.

19.   Sometimes if I’m fascinated by a word I like to keep using it.

20.   The latest word is ‘anywho’ and I like all forms of the word like anyhoots, anyhoodle, anyhoosits, anyho, anywhoops, anyholl etc...  (I’m still trying to make new ones and I haven’t had a chance to use all of these yet.)

21.   I like having cereal for lunch and dinner.

22.   Books.

23.   #8 and #16 are lies.

24.   I had to use the word books in atleast one of the points. For obvious reasons.

25.   I am not really very health conscious since I have faith in medicine and human brain. By the time I really screw myself they’ll figure out something.

26.   If you noticed that I’ve used 7 twice let me know how long it took you and what was the first thought that popped into your mind. I can predict your future with that.

27.   The only thing I am superstitious about is the number 7. I really think it’s magical.

28.   I actually stapled my thumb once. And you know how I did it?!?! I was pressing it hard to see how far I could go without stapling my thumb.

29.   I really need a P.A. (personal asst.)  DAMMIT!!

30.   I know u know what P.A. is but I hadn’t used brackets for quite some time.

Ya.... That's me... 

PS: If you knew more than 27 of those I'd like to know who you are!



DVD said...

thanks for using brackets for point 2.

point 6, i knew that!.

point 7, part a, me too! i have 2 boxes full of used pens back home.

point 10. really ?? must study maths with you sometime then.. lol.

point 12. i agree.. its the only time you are probably mentally thoughtless and tension free..

and why 30 points in total ??

Nirali said...

point 2... ya it sounded weird widout the brackets when i read it....

n ya studying maths wid me will be pointless since i cant sing when ppl are in hearing range!!

well ard 30ish i was getting tired and figured i shd study... maybe ill do part 2.... since i can come up wid more!!! :D

DVD said...

good.. part 2 sounds good.. looking forward to it.. need things to read randomly during study breaks..

DVD said...

you were not singing when we were doing maths the other day.. hehe..

Nirali said...

lol.. ya maybe i forgot to mention that i dont sing when people are within hearin distance... unless ofcourse i knw for a fact that they r worse singers than me!!! :)