
I rant.....

(Well, as you can see the break from thinking is officially over and so it’s gonna be a little heavy around here as I write about the numerous things that creep into mind and haven’t been written as I’ve been busier than a....... the busiest person!!! )

There are tons of things which set us apart from animals. We all started off at the same place and yet here we are thousands of years later almost able to destroy the planet. Yes, all our actions have not been the smartest but yet we have evolved to an extraordinary extent. Obviously we have a way higher IQ and yes I might sound conceited when I say this but we are definitely a higher species and there are no doubts about that.

As I was watching Ice Age today (which is btw one of the most amazing movies and super darnedest cute!) I realised another very striking difference that I hadn’t noticed till then probably. The only goals of the life of any animal are eating and reproducing. Every body part, habit, characteristic and feature is a function of these goals. Everything they do is towards getting food and ensuring that the species is carried forward. It is probably a very dull life and I doubt they ever realise that it is all they ever do but I’m sure they don’t understand the concept of boredom or entertainment for that matter. (and here I’m not talking about any pet animals who we have tried to humanise though I think they are also pretty content with sitting around and gazing....)

This is what sets us apart. Everything about us is not a function of just one goal. And whenever that is the case success is guaranteed ain’t it? We as humans hardly use a small percentage of what we are to achieve anything. And coming to think of it an effort is probably made to ensure that we don’t; in the form of entertainment. We are probably stopped from thinking and seeing things like we would in other circumstances. I know as a matter of fact that I don’t use all I have and could though maybe I’d be better off if I did but ahhh well.......   

PS: I had seen the movie long back and this incomplete post was pending. Coming to think of it, it doesn't really matter when I saw the movie but ahh well.... :D

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