
My name is NIRALI!!!

Lots of things really really piss me off. Something which pisses me off more than people saying "hair ARE" (really!!! y???!?!?!), tomatoes on pizzas (that's not really pissing but annoying), wet socks and socks with floaters to name a few is someone mispronouncing my name.

Tell me just how difficult is it?? Its such a short simple name. 3 short syllables. Ni ra li!! Short!!! I mean really try saying them aloud one at a time.




Is it that difficult??? Its not "Narali". NOT "Neerali". What did I say about short syllables? Not Nirani! (REALLY)

*Shakes her head in frustration.* Really is it such an effort for even snail-like brains to say 3 short syllables(I can't stress it enough) together without short-circuiting their miniscule brains??

I have met people on and off especially after coming to Singapore who have almost driven me mad by mispronouncing my name. But how are you supposed to correct your teachers with speaking disabilities without sounding like a prick? Its not like my name is not written in English but some mysterious characters. Can't they just read it???

Worst is when some people end my name with a weird gurgling sound. I mean ANNOYING!!! That one I can't even imitate or write since its a sound!!! All that after I take care to say your name properly! Ingratitude. Why???

I understand if you have speech problems and its impossible for you to say my name for some unknown reason. But you can hear properly rt?? Please refrain from saying my name if you hear it wrongly unless I am going to die if you don't call out for me! I might end up cursing you endlessly if you don't and though I'm not sure how that is going to affect you but you might not want to take risks!

PS: I am now okay Nirari if I know that you can actually say Nirali correctly but prefer Nirari once again due to unknown reasons.

Insane?? Yes.


Twilight! High hopes?

And finally finally I saw twilight. And yet if left to me I wouldn't have been able to go but well some people are persistent. :)

It was cool. Nicely made. Interesting and cutely romantic. Different from almost everything I've seen till now and a very different angle on love and romance.

As I continue this post which I had started nearly a month ago I have finished reading the four novels also.

My stance:

Twilight: Awesome. Love Edward Cullen. Cutely Romantic. Once again.

New Moon: Not awesome. Mainly because Edward is not around. Too depressing. Really.

Eclipse: Once again not that great. Not captivating. Not gripping. Probably because
the novelty wore off and there was nothing to keep me going.

Breaking Dawn: I actually thought that its really stupid. I mean really imprinting and all was just ludicrous! (I dint find vampires ludicrous at all.) But because it was mostly happy happy(really true love and happiness for eternity!) I guess I couldn't dislike it totally.

I would classify it as a classic if the happy ending came after the first book. Yes, agreed love forever is probably the most romantic ending imaginable. Everyone and everything is just too perfect. The way we always want it to be but yet we never get it. (Perfection is an illusion.) And this perfect ending comes at the end of the fourth book. It leaves a dreamy look in your eyes and a smile on your face. So I'm not sure why I'm still not satisfied except that I still think the happy ending was when she was human and hopelessly and truly in love with him. Nothing else really mattered. That's the point. Nothing else matters when you find that. (Darn!! I sound like a romantic don't I?? I am not one! Or not. Errmmmmm)

There was so much hype that probably I had very high expectations which is why I feel like I was let down. (I totally can't remember that totally cool, philosophical sounding opinion I had about expectations. DAMN!)

I know life is not supposed to be perfect and that is why we have books and movies with perfect endings but ah well.....

Lastly. Notwithstanding everything I said above I was totally hooked to the books and finished the entire series in less than 10 days. I was obsessed enough to dream that I was a vampire too. (I'm not proud of it. Really. (No sarcasm intended):D ) And did I mention that I still love Edward Cullen no matter what! :D


Chasing bubbles

So many things in life are like chasing bubbles. It fascinates and allures you. You go after it single-minded (most of the times), forgetting everything around except the bubble. And when you do reach it and try to get it, it bursts or it floats out of sight, by when it is too late to find your way back. I am not sure if I've chased bubbles in my life. Maybe I have or maybe not. But at some point in our lives I think we all do.

Maybe its all about the chase more so than catching the bubble. If not you are in for disappointment and frustration not to mention being lost if you've chased it too far.

I saw this girl today blowing bubbles. (I loved doing that as a kid. And normally made a mess spilling the soap water and then trying to make some on my own. Which never worked as you might have guessed. Still lotsa fun!) Anywho like any other kid she was fascinated by this colourful thing that appeared suddenly and floated away. And she ran after it trying to catch it. Cute!!?!? And a part of me wondered when she would realise that bubbles are not meant to be caught. Was she better off not knowing that??

Even though I knew she can't catch that bubble I chase my own bubbles. Equally ignorant. Am I better off not knowing that they are bubbles?? I am not really sure. But I will continue to do so. It's all about the chase rt??