
Ya, that's me.

And so finally I’m doing this. I must write something where I don’t have to use my brains. (Not that they are exactly functional.)

Anyhoots as I start this I have no clue just how many random things I’m gonna write. You see I’ve done this before and let’s just say that the list turned out to be loooooong. Ya it is as yet unpublished.

Disclaimer: Oh and also I’m not listing things here coz I am proud of ‘em or its confession time or I’m trying to prove that I’m weird. Coz I'm not. You could probably say I’m self-obsessed and bored.

Here goes:

1.       I love melted dark chocolate.

2.       While bored and waiting for food I could lick salt from the plate. (using a finger or spoon ofcourse)

3.       I can carry on a conversation by talking at the same time as the other person. Normally the other person cannot.

4.       On the same note as #3 I can go on talking incessantly for atleast 5 mins without making any sense. Complete babble. (I also like the word psychobabble.)

5.       When I was around 6-7 I couldn’t sleep at night coz I thought I was going to die as I had swallowed a chewing gum. I had to wake up my mom to reaffirm otherwise.

6.       I do read the dictionary when extremely bored. Or on rare occasions when not bored.

7.       I like collecting used pens and refills.

7.    And I hate throwing plastic bags and bottles of any kind! Hence I prefer collecting them.

8.       There was this time when I tried counting the no. of hair on my head. I had to give up after 53492.

9.       I am still amused by balloons and bubbles.

10.   I like singing aloud when studying maths.

11.   I’m not sure how I manage it but somehow I manage to get addicted to random things a week before the exams. Who knew that these things even existed before this!???

12.   The best ideas I get are in the washroom. (Ya its my blog and I can say whatever I want.) Like you know HW that I have forgotten or new blog posts and how much work I still have left.

13.   One of the things on my bucket list is being in a car chase. I don’t care if I’m chasing or being chased but I’d die for either.

Ok maybe not really die you know.

14.   I’m not sure how but somehow I’ve managed to collect many white tops. I don’t even like white so much for that matter.

15.   I always pick the blue straw when getting a drink at the Igloos bubble tea stall and purple Gems.

16.   I don’t swim often since I am scared that the water will seep through my skin and then the muscles and all will just become soggy.

17.   Now if u asked why that wouldn’t happen when I bathe.... Chlorine!??!? DUH!!

*rolls eyes with hands on hips*

18.   I still don’t understand how people can bite their nails. I have tried and I just can’t do it!!!

And yes I think it’s a wee bit disgusting.

19.   Sometimes if I’m fascinated by a word I like to keep using it.

20.   The latest word is ‘anywho’ and I like all forms of the word like anyhoots, anyhoodle, anyhoosits, anyho, anywhoops, anyholl etc...  (I’m still trying to make new ones and I haven’t had a chance to use all of these yet.)

21.   I like having cereal for lunch and dinner.

22.   Books.

23.   #8 and #16 are lies.

24.   I had to use the word books in atleast one of the points. For obvious reasons.

25.   I am not really very health conscious since I have faith in medicine and human brain. By the time I really screw myself they’ll figure out something.

26.   If you noticed that I’ve used 7 twice let me know how long it took you and what was the first thought that popped into your mind. I can predict your future with that.

27.   The only thing I am superstitious about is the number 7. I really think it’s magical.

28.   I actually stapled my thumb once. And you know how I did it?!?! I was pressing it hard to see how far I could go without stapling my thumb.

29.   I really need a P.A. (personal asst.)  DAMMIT!!

30.   I know u know what P.A. is but I hadn’t used brackets for quite some time.

Ya.... That's me... 

PS: If you knew more than 27 of those I'd like to know who you are!



50 posts old

“It was a long and pleasant journey and yes, even though I’m nowhere near the end I’d like to take this moment and thank some people and things for being there for me. Reaching the 50th post is like crossing a milestone.

*gets touchy and waves at the world*

(yes, I know I should’ve waved and blown kisses earlier but I forgot and it’s never late!!)

And so I would like to thank pancakes, Matt Damon, the sky and the moon, my laptop (really truly), rain Gods for clouds, thunder and lightning (Ohhh I can't stress enough just how awesome they are!! :D), random people who amuse me and the random people who don’t, the word random (yes, it’s one of my favourites as you might have noticed. :D And even though I don’t think we are ever truly random I love the word. I’ll come to that some other time.) and brackets. My fascination for brackets is ever-lasting and I’m grateful to them for always being there for me. And yes I think the windows of my room deserve a special mention. Seeing my reflection in them all pensive and what is great for my writing/ranting skills. And ofcourse I get to look at the moon, sky, random people and PGP through them.

*gets all starry eyed and looks into the distance*

And lastly I would like to thank Dewey. Your presence has made all the difference and continue to be there for us. Dewey bless you!

Now when I look at the blog I’m pretty much proud of myself. There, are posts that I’d like to remove and some that I like but then I think I’ll keep it the way it is. All those posts, good and bad are just a part of it.

(Darn did I just get cheesy there?!?? Please excuse me but it’s 5:45 in the morning and I’m trying to get over a blog-block.)

*A final bow to a loud applause*”


Best philosophy ever!

Excerpt from Malcolm in the Middle:

Dewey: Like Pastor Roy said, that God's so much bigger and wiser than us that trying to see what he is thinking is like ants trying to see what I am thinking.

Church Lady: Exactly, but we can trust in his wisdom and we can have faith that he is watching over us.

Dewey: Like me with the ant hill in my backyard. I spent days watching the ants. Trying to figure out which ones were good and which ones were bad but they all looked liked just ants, so I started smiting all of them. I was smiting them with the garden hose and with lighter fluid and with the lawn mower and to be perfectly honest I think I went a little crazy with the shovel. Those ants could have been praying to me all day, I wouldn't have heard 'em. There was nothing they could do about it.

Church Lady: But I think that is..... 

Dewey: There's nothing we can do about anything either, so why worry about it. Hey this is making me feel better. 

Church Lady: That is good but.... 

Dewey: I guess all we can do is live our lives with as much kindness and decency as possible and try not to dwell over God standing over us with a giant shovel. Bye!!

Church Lady:  
Incase it isnt obvious she is looking for a shovel!



If there is one thing (among a few others) that really really pisses me royally, it is having to wait for people. I absolutely canot stand it!! It is fucking irritating and blows off my short fuse. I shall never understand why people cannot value time. Someone else's time?!???

OK I'll try to get my brain to accept that you don't give a crap about time but you understand how to read time right??? Then why can't you just tell me that instead of half an hour you'll take an hour??? Is that so difficult for you to understand??? Atleast I won't go mad trying to figure out in just how many seconds you might appear and where exactly you might have reached now and how I should occupy my impatient brain cause someone doesn't know what time it is. And have we forgotten about this thing called cell-phone that allows you to give me instant updates on your progress??? It is not meant to be used to tell me that "I'll be right there" when you are going to take 20 more mins. I'm sorry but I'll have to enlighten you that "right there" is not equal to 20 mins. Not in my dictionary. 

Yes, if you made me wait for long rest assured you might just have ruined my day. (I know I might be exaggerating but you can imagine how anoyed I am.)

And just to clarify that doesn't mean I'm never late. Even I can't help it. But apart from the worst guilt pangs ever the whole time (trust me I am more impatient than you are at the waiting end!!) I won't tell you 5 more mins when clearly I mean 15!!!!! And yeah yeah this doesn't excuse me completely so feel free to be pissed.

Yes, being an Indian and having lived with Indians for so long I should probably get used to it by now but thank heavens I am not. It still pisses me off as much as ever!!
"I'm the guy who does his job. You must be the other guy."


Gloria Jean's

Having been stuck in the hostel forever me and Vids decided to get out this Saturday and take a break. (A major motivation could also have been the cafe vouchers that she had which were about to expire!!)

And that is what we did. Went to Vivocity and utilised the voucher while checking out the mall and dozens of random stores till we were tired of walking.

Highlights/achievements/discoveries of the evening:

1. Hats are cool and I'm fascinated by them. The only reason I din't buy it was I couldn't convince myself that it was worth 18 bucks just for the sake of taking pictures. If you have better reasons please help me since I would love to buy it.

2. Gloria Jean's rocks since they let you add as much chocolate sauce as you want!! On. Your. Own. Cool or what!! And hence we had the most chocolatey drinks ever (without the sauce they were pretty bland btw) since me and Vids took turns at adding ample amounts. Ample by "our standards". (We are classy like that.) Pretty surprised that noone said anything though.

You see right?!?!

3. I got Vids to stick out her tongue and get a pic!! (Achievement if you please!!!)

4. Wine stores are cool places to take pics. But so as not to be kicked out you must listen to the owner blabbering about wines for 2:38 mins before excusing yourself.

5. Reinstated the belief that its ok to look a little foolish if you know you are not coming to that place soon. (Doesn't mean you can make a complete ass of yourself! Its a life ban for that. Kidding. Maybe.)

6. Nat Geo rocks. ABSOLUTELY. It is the most amazing store/company ever. And it has been added to the list of companies I'd like to work with. Sadly we were out of battery and don't have pics for that one. Which means we're definitely going again.

7. If the cafe has good coffee and you have finally managed to get a couch its ok not to blame them for not being a part of the Earth Hour though some people have different opinions :P. We did contemplate telling them to switch of some lights but for some reason din't. Yes I can be flexible. :D

8. Vids attempts to look sober. Let it be known this was the 6th take!!

9. Twas a fun evening. :D

I bow to thee

I have never really been religious ever since I can remember. Yes, as a kid, parents and school taught me to bow before a God but I started questioning soon. I'm not really sure when I became an agnostic/atheist (depending on which day you ask me) but I know I was never religious. I've hardly been to a temple except when forced by my dad. Even before I had the sense to see through the biggest farce called religion I remember arguing with my dad that if I really want to pray I don't need to go to a temple since I can do that at home.

(I still haven't won that one!!)

And his response was never really much of an argument but more of a sulky expression overflowing with distaste at my ridiculous notions and never being one to lose ground it just resulted in a nasty argument(One of the few I've had with dad). In the end my mom would convince me to just go since ya dad wanted me to and it takes just a bit of my time and effort. Noone ever understood that it doesn't change what I believe!! Even today we have the same scene over and over again.

I cannot have the same faith he has and he can't accept that. In fact it takes all my patience and effort to keep my absolute disdain in check considering some of the people I've met. Mom on the other hand is more of a rational believer if that is possible. I prefer her way of thinking since she doesn't take rituals and rites for their face value. She doesn't have much patience for those but rather has a deeper spiritual and philosophical approach to religion and God.

Anywho I was distracted there and that was not the point of this post.

The point was this video. (Yes, I've wanted to put up a video for quite sometime and finally I've found something I would really like to post!! :D) This chap is BRILLIANT. One of the best I've ever seen. And I bow to him.